Homeowners–the primary wood destroying organism (blog written by Charles Buell)

One of the most common wood destroying organisms in the NW is the Moisture Ant. Like Dampwood Termites and Anobiid Beetles, they are “opportunistic” in the sense that moisture conditions have to be correct (conducive) for them to be present.As a Licensed, Washington State, Home Inspector and a Licensed Structural Pest Inspector, if I foundContinue reading “Homeowners–the primary wood destroying organism (blog written by Charles Buell)”


This is a guest entry by Charles Buell – Licensed Home Inspector & Licensed Structural Pest Inspector Were any of your household appliances recalled? It seems like every day some household appliance is recalled. Usually it is for minor issues, but sometimes it is for serious fire hazards. If you are concerned about whether youContinue reading “HOLY SMOKING DISHWASHER BATMAN!!!!”